Andmete visualiseerimine PowerQuery ja Power BI abil
22. - 23.05.2025

Participant's details
Given name: * Enter given name
Surname: * Enter surname
Birth date: * Incorrent birth date!
Incorrect Personal ID code!Choose gender.

E-mail: * Incorrect e-mail address!
Company: * Enter org
Profession: * Enter position
Postal index:
Payer's details
Name: * Enter full name
Birth date: *
Incorrect Personal ID code! Choose gender. Incorrent birth date!

Address: * Enter address
Postal index:
E-mail: * Incorrect e-mail address!
Where did you find information about course: Choose option

Decision of waiving course participation needs to be presented in written form to the course contact person as soon as possible (

The Terms and Conditions of Waiving Participation in a Course established based on subsections 6 (1) and (2) of the Continuing Education Regulations:

(1) Continuing education is a payable service provided by the university. The price of continuing education courses is formed in accordance with the rates and pricing established at the university.

(2) The terms of payment for and waiver of a continuing education course:

1) The person who registers is obliged to pay the tuition fee. The tuition fee shall be paid no later than four (4) working days before commencement of the continuing education course.

2) If the person who registered to a continuing education course waives the course earlier than four (4) working days before commencement of the continuing education course, he/she is not obliged to pay the tuition fee.

3) If the person who registered to a continuing education course waives the course one (1) to three (3) working days before commencement of the continuing education course, the person has to pay tuition fee in the amount of 50% of the total amount of the tuition fee.

4) If the person who registered to a continuing education course does not notify of continuing education course waiver in advance and fails to attend the continuing education course, the person has to pay tuition fee in the amount of 100% of the total amount of the tuition fee.

5) If a continuing education course does not take place due to reasons attributable to the university, the university shall refund the tuition fee to the registrant in full.