WISE Recruitment Workshop

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16:00 - 17:30Ruum: U02-409
Lektor:Seminar will be held by WISE Recruitment team:
Katriin Mats - FinCrime Recruiter
Marzhan Anglamas - Tech Recruiter
Annaise Ndashimye - Operational Recruiter
Teemad:WISE Recruitment team will lead you through different tasks for preparing yourself for the recruitment process.

You will rotate in groups to find out:
• Preparation with Katriin
Where to start your job search? Extra curricular activities that stand out? Social Media.

• CV with Annaise
Prep your CV. What makes a good CV? Interactive game where they will analyze different CVs.

• Interviews with Marzhan
How to ace the interview. What are recruiters listening out for. Question and answer game - Cover the ‘Tell me about yourself’, Why did you apply for this role?’

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