
Mikrokraadikava, kandideeri juba täna! Õppetöö inglise keeles.

Date:29.08.2022 - 21.01.2024
Aim of the course:To provide the basic knowledge and skills in order to manage the cyber security area of one company/institution. It's based on the perspective of Estonia and the European Union – involving both, the private and public sector.
Target group:Those people involved in the organization's cyber security management who don't previously have a systematic/comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.
Prerequisites:Internationally accepted high school level.
Topics:TMJ0130 Introduction to Entrepreneurship/3 EAP/autumn semester
ICS0002 Introduction to Cyber Security/6 EAP/autumn semester
ICS0006 Social, Professional and Ethical Aspects of IT6 EAP/spring smester(e-learning)
ICS0009 Governance and Management of Cyber Security/6 EAP/spring
Study results:• is familiar with the cyber security main concepts with their' content, is able to use basic cyber security techniques in elementary level;
• knows how an institution or company works and can associate the business area risks with to the corresponding cyber security concepts and techniques;
• is familiar with the best-known international and Estonian cyber security standards and frameworks, is able to apply them in basic situations;
• recognizes the role of human in cyber security with the specifics of human-computer interaction and its' application in practice.
Assessment criteria:Nelja aine läbimine (eksamite sooritamine positiivsele tulemusele)
Comments:Mikrokraadikavale võetakse vastu 20 osalejat.
Kandideerimistingimused: keskharidus, motivatsioonikiri, test, testi läbinutele vestlus.
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 192 academic hours
independent studies: 354 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Ekaterina Demiankova (TMJ0130); Kaido Kikkas (ICS0006); Valdo Praust (ICS0009)
Contact:Avatud õppe keskus, 620 3600,; kavajuht Valdo Praust
Price:1377 EUR / participant
Remarks about the price:Tasu maksmine toimub mikrokraadikava kogumaksumuse alusel semestripõhiselt ning arvutatakse vastavalt valitud õppeaine ainepunktide mahule ja ülikoolis kehtestatud tasumääradele.
Registration deadline:12.08.2022
Place:Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Ehitajate tee 5
