Estonian language learning individually at levels A1-B1

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Class times and the number of classes will be agreed. INFO:

Date:06.09.2024 - 30.01.2025
Aim of the course:To develop Estonian language skills to facilitate coping in everyday life and to better integrate into Estonian society
Target group:Non-native speakers of Estonian
Prerequisites:Interest and motivation to learn, along with the ability to work independently
Topics:The course covers Estonian vocabulary and grammar, develops speaking, listening, writing and reading skills according to the learner's language proficiency level, needs and desires, and includes cultural elements in the lessons
Study results:After completing the course, the learner will have mastered the Estonian language at the desired level
Assessment criteria:Õppija keeleoskus on koolituse käigus arenenud
Learning outcomes:Arts and humanities
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 1 academic hours
Lecturer:Mall Kulasalu
Contact:Kärt Rummel, +372 620 2701,
Price:14.75 EUR + VAT / participant
Registration deadline:01.01.2025
Place:Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Akadeemia tee 3

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