Maritime Digitalisation and Sustainability


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Date:02.09.2024 - 16.06.2025
Aim of the course:The aim of the programme is to introduce the applicant to the environmental impacts of shipping and port activities and their management. In addition to enable the applicant to acquire basic knowledge of the application of environmental topics in the strategic planning and communication of a shipping company. Furthermore, the aim is to understand algorithmic foundations of computer systems through mastering a general purpose programming language (Python for this course) and to develop an awareness of cyber security risks in industrial environments and in particular in the maritime context
In addition, the goal is to provide opportunities for the student to understand the concepts of Internet of Things systems used in marine technology and robotics and to give the student the opportunity to participate in a tutored group project on a data science and monitoring and evaluating the performance of IoT systems, which will be carried out in an applicative context related to maritime technology.
Target group:Policy makers who are seeking to understand and implement sustainable solutions in maritime industry; industry leaders who want to drive sustainable initiatives within their organisations, maritime professionals who are working in the field and want to develop their experiences with new knowledges from the field; researchers and academics who are studying the maritime industry and want to gain valuable knowledge to upgrade their expertise. Possible target groups: Ministry of Climate, Estonian Transport Administration, ports of Tallinn, Pärnu, Kunda, Sillamäe, Paldiski Northern and other smaller ports; private maritime companies - shipping agents, expeditors, stevedores, shipowners; associations etc
Prerequisites:An applicant must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, additional condition: submit a letter of motivation
Topics:VME0390 Introduction to Computer Systems for Maritime Specialists, 6 ECTS, Autumn
VME0520 Data Science and Internet of Things for Maritime Applications, 6 ECTS, Autumn
VME0400 Environmentally sustainable shipping, 6 ECTS, Spring
Study results:Applicant who has passed the course:
 determines the different effects of shipping and port activities on the environment and apply the methods of their calculation and comparison,
 applies ways to reduce environmental impacts in shipping and ports and is aware of ways to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases,
 compiles simpler computer programs on marine technology topics in Python programming language, including applying group programming methods and techniques,
 identifies and describes the structure and composition of computer,
 uses the application software interface and develops a monitoring dashboard for IoT systems in the maritime context by participating in a tutored group project.
Learning outcomes:Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 56 academic hours
independent studies: 412 academic hours
Credit points (ECTS):18.0
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Prof Sanja Bauk (VME0390)
Prof Serkan Turkmen (VME0520)
Prof Ulla Tapaninen (VME0400)
Contact:Kairi Remmel-Lilleberg, 613 5508,
Price:990 EUR / participant
Registration start:05.08.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:23.08.2024
Place:Estonian Maritime Academy, Kopli 101, Tallinn
