Framework for Digital Society


Mikrokraadikava, kandideeri juba täna! Õppetöö inglise keeles

Date:02.09.2024 - 26.01.2025
Aim of the course:The course objective for learners is to understand and analyse the principles of the information society and the components of the digital state, while demonstrating knowledge of the various technical, social and legal aspects of the development of the digital state and digital transformation in the public sector.

Provide knowledge of the development and the different components of the legal framework of the digital state; instruct comprehension of the need and scope of legal changes in the field of technology to support the digital state; provide the ability to analyse the legal framework and the different cases related to the digital state.
Target group:Public officials, managers, mid-level professionals
Prerequisites:Higher education 1st degree, BA level
Topics:ITE4170 Legal Framework of e-Governance, 6 ECTS, Autumn
ITE4110 Information Society Concepts and Principles: Towards e-Governance, 6 ECTS, Autumn
Study results:Course completers
- are familiar with the principles of the information society;
- have an overview of the strategies and policies for managing the information society and ICT development and its relation to government work programmes;
- have an overview of the different ICT policies, components of the digital state and related activities;
- comprehend the rationale and key principles of how the information society works and how to plan for the transition to digital state;
- comprehend the general legal framework of the digital state and know the key principles at both Estonian and EU level;
- can find and use legislation related to the digital society and digital government;
- know and are able to use legal terminology in the field of the digital society;
- are able to analyse the existing legal environment and provide a preliminary assessment of the need to change it in the context of the introduction of new technologies in the digital environment;
- are able to analyse digital inclusion cases and propose solutions.
Learning outcomes:Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 61 academic hours
independent studies: 251 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Silvia Lips (ITE4170);
Ingrid Pappel (ITE4110)
Contact:Pirjo-Andra Põõsaste, 58843935,; TalTch avatud õppe keskus, 620 3600,
Price:900 EUR / participant
Registration start:05.08.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:23.08.2024
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn
14:30 - 17:30Information Society Concepts and Principles: Towards e-Governance
Lecturer: Ingrid Pappel
17:45 - 20:00Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
16:45 - 20:30Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
16:00 - 19:45Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
16:00 - 19:45Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
14:30 - 17:30Information Society Concepts and Principles: Towards e-Governance
Lecturer: Ingrid Pappel
17:45 - 20:00Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
16:00 - 20:30Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
10:00 - 11:30Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
12:00 - 15:00Information Society Concepts and Principles: Towards e-Governance
Lecturer: Ingrid Pappel
10:00 - 11:30Legal Framework of e-Governance
Lecturer: Silvia Lips
12:00 - 15:00Information Society Concepts and Principles: Towards e-Governance
Lecturer: Ingrid Pappel
