Estonian language learning individually or in a mini-group at levels A1-B1

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The number of classes and price will be agreed starting from 18 euros per academic hour.

Date:02.02. - 20.06.2024
Aim of the course:To develop Estonian language skills to facilitate coping in everyday life and to better integrate into Estonian society
Target group:Eesti keelt emakeelena mittekõnelevad isikud
Prerequisites:Willingness to learn and work independently
Topics:The course deals with the vocabulary and grammar of the Estonian language, develops speaking, listening, and writing skills according to the learner's (previous) level of language skills, needs, and interests; a cultural aspect is included.
Study results:After completing the course, the learner will master the Estonian language at the desired level.
Assessment criteria:Hinnatakse õppija arengut koolituse käigus suulise tagasiside vormis
Learning outcomes:Arts and humanities
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 20 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Mall Kulasalu
Contact:Kärt Rummel, +372 620 2700,
Price:327.87 EUR + VAT / group
Remarks about the price:In the case of individual learning the number of classes and course price will be agreed upon. Contact Mall Kulasalu
Registration deadline:06.05.2024
Place:Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Akadeemia tee 3

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