Contemporary topics in accounting and finance through the prism of ESG and financial innovation



Date:04.09.2023 - 14.06.2024
Aim of the course:To provide an overview of ESG concepts, main governing documents and explain how to implement key reporting standards and how to interrelate ESG reporting with day-to-day business operations.

- To give the definition and a brief overview of the relevance of ESG for stakeholders and its application in financial and investment activities.

- To cover the different terms, opportunities, risks and future outlook of financial innovation and sustainable finance and to introduce different financial technology and sustainable finance solutions/applications.
Target group:Professionals already working in the area of accounting and/or finance who would like to upgrade their skills and knowledge,

Professionals wanting to develop their career towards ESG reporting, sustainable finance or financial innovation and who have some basic knowledge about accounting and finance.
Prerequisites:At least BA degree.
Topics:MMA5220 ESG Accounting and Reporting 6ECT- Autumn 2nd half
MEF5130 Financial Innovation and Sustainable Finance 6ECT- Spring
Study results:Student:
- explains the key concepts of ESG reporting and regulations and can describe the latest developments and current situation in the field of ESG accounting and reporting;
- describes and analyses main ESG related standards and governing documents including New Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related indicators, The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB); Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). ESG and IFRS, emerging standards and reporting practices;
- prepares ESG reports and/or disclosures applying different techniques and standards, solves case studies outlining main ESG related problems and gives real life examples on implementation of ESG disclosures;
- understands the importance of ESG in finance and investment and the benefits for stakeholders;
- explains the different terms of financial innovation and sustainable finance, opportunities and risks of institutional, regulatory and technological background;
- evaluates critically different financial technology and sustainable finance solutions/applications;
- compiles a detailed overview of one financial technology or sustainable finance solution/application and presents it to co-students;
- systematizes terms, applications/solutions, keywords, future trends and challenges of financial innovation and sustainable finance.
Comments:At least BA degree is needed.
Learning outcomes:Business, administration and law
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 80 academic hours
independent studies: 232 academic hours
Credit points (ECTS):12.0
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:MMA5220 Natalie Aleksandra Gurvitš- Suits (32 acad hours distance learning, 124 hours independent work )
MEF5130 Laivi Laidroo (48 acad hours contact learning, 108 hours independent work )
Contact:Kristiina Pullerits, +372 6204 057 ,; avatud õppe keskus, 620 3600,
Price:840 EUR / participant
Registration deadline:25.08.2023
Place:Akadeemia tee 15 a, Tallinn
