Medical Care STCW 78 A-VI/4-2


Date:21. - 25.04.2025

[vali kuupaev]
25. - 28.02.2025
24. - 28.03.2025
19. - 23.05.2025
Aim of the course:The aim of this course is to enable the seafarer to apply immediate first aid in the event of an accident or illness on board.
Target group:Ship Managers, watch officers, chief engineers - the course is open to seafarers to be designated to be in charge of medical care on board ships.
Prerequisites:Course participants should already have been passed
"Medical First Aid, IMO Model Course 1.14"
Topics:Based on the IMO Model Course 1.15 "Medical Care"

Making a diagnosis
The cardio vascular and respiratory systems
The abdomen
ENT, dental and ophthalmic
Communicable diseases
Wounds and injuries
Equipment and information
Patient management - general
Patient management - specific
Study results:On completion students will have sufficient knowledge of medical stores and equipment on board to be able to achieve the learning outcomes which are:
The learner understands how to participate in the coordinated provision of medical care to a person on board.
The learner is able to assess and provide care to an ill person on board.
The learner is able to assess and provide care to an injured casualty on board.
Assessment criteria:Test ja ülesannete lahendamine:
- testi positiivseks sooritamiseks peab vähemalt 75% vastustest olema õiged,
- lisaks hinnatakse situatsioonülesannete lahendamist (praktiline osa),

Kriteeriumid õppe ajal:
- õppur osaleb õppetöös 100%,
- teadmiste omandamist hinnatakse ja kontrollitakse aruteludes ja praktiliste tegevuste kaudu.
Comments:Koolituse algus kell 10.00 Eesti Mereakadeemia ruumis 029.
Learning outcomes:Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Course language:in Estonian
Volume:lectures: 46 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Evelin Reiljan
Contact:Täiendusõpe, +372 613 5588,
Price:330 EUR + VAT / participant
Remarks about the price:Laevajuhtide Liidu liikmetele soodustused
Registration start:10.12.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:14.04.2025
Place:Eesti Mereakadeemia, Kopli 101, Tallinn, 11712 (look up location on map)
