Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights

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Date:27.05. - 09.06.2024
Aim of the course:This module is an in-depth analysis of intellectual property rights (IPR), including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs. The focus is on doctoral students from STEM study programs
Target group:doctoral students
Topics:This module introduces students to the various areas of IPR such as patents, trademarks, copyrights and designs. There will be a workshop on how to apply for IPR, which jurisdiction to choose and other legal considerations, in the form of case studies. There will be assigned readings for home study.
Study results:After passing this module, student:
- Explains the philosophical, historical and legal foundations of IPR;
- Explains the essence of various types of IPR such as patents, trademarks, copyrights and designs and their main differences.
Assessment criteria:Sellel moodulil on läbimise/mitte läbimise kriteeriumid. Hindamine toimub veebipõhise Moodle'i testi alusel, mis sisaldab kuni 10 tõene/vale tüüpi küsimust. Üliõpilased, kes vastavad õigesti rohkem kui 60% küsimustest, läbivad selle mooduli.
Comments:The dates for the second module, scheduled for December 2024, will be specified later. / Teise mooduli toimumisaeg, mis on planeeritud detsembriks 2024, täpsustatakse hiljem.
Main Module:Intensiivkursus doktorantidele intellektuaalomandi õiguste alal
Learning outcomes:Business, administration and law
Course language:in English
Volume:lectures: 12 academic hours
independent studies: 40 academic hours
Credit points (ECTS):2.0
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Pawan Kumar Dutt
Contact:Pawan Kumar Dutt,; Jelena Sõrmus,
Registration start:06.05.2024 09:00
Registration deadline:27.05.2024
16:00 - 19:00Introduction, theory, detailed description of trademarks, copyrights and designs.
16:00 - 19:00Detailed description of Patents, European Patent Office case studies.
16:00 - 19:00Workshop (how to apply for IPR, jurisdiction, miscellaneous).

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