Course for Baltic Deep-Sea Pilots

It is not possible to register for the course because there are no available spots.

Date:03. - 06.06.2024
Aim of the course:After passing the course a trainee has adequate knowledge and skills to operate as a deep-sea pilot in the Baltic Sea area according to the harmonized and standardized basis
Target group:The course is intended for the preparation of holders of a senior marine pilot's or Master's certificate for the qualification examination for deep-sea pilots in accordance with subsection 58^1 (6) of the Maritime Safety Act
Prerequisites:- At least 6 years of seagoing service as a master or chief mate on ships of 3000 gross tonnage or more or as a marine pilot and holding of certificate of senior marine pilot
- Ability to communicate fluently in English
- Navigational equipment knowledge (such as AIS, ECDIS and ARPA)
- Fulfilment of BRM (Bridge Resource Management) course
- Medical fitness
- Good nautical knowledge as well as good working knowledge of relevant IMO conventions such as SOLAS and MARPOL together with the COLREGS
Topics:1. Route planning:
- Main routes in the Baltic Sea
- Limitations of Baltic Sea entrances and other narrow passages
- Routing systems (TSS etc.)
- Ship Reporting Systems and VTS areas
- Pilot procedures in the Baltic
- Port operations and other allied services
2. Communication co-ordination:
- General communication skills including language
- Bridge Resource Management (BRM) (refresher)
- Reporting obligations
- Log and record keeping
3. Environmental awareness:
- Dangerous or polluting goods
- Environmental sensitivity of the Baltic Sea
- Baltic as a PSSA
- Pollution Response Organization in the Baltic
4. Emergency situations:
- Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
- Search and Rescue (SAR) in the Baltic Sea
- Maritime Assistance Service (MAS)
- Emergency towing procedures
5. Personal attributes (other than BRM):
- Human relation skills
- Interaction with others
- Responsibility and reliability
6. Ice navigation/Ice-breaking assistance:
- Ice-classes
- Provisions on ice restrictions and limitations
- Procedures for ice-breaking assistance
- Ice navigation and maneuvering
Study results:The trainee knows Baltic Sea routes for safe and efficient planning.
The trainee communicates and coordinates effectively on the bridge, with ships, and shore stations.
The trainee understands hazardous goods regulations.
The trainee handles emergencies with appropriate measures.
The trainee follows established principles and procedures.
The trainee navigates safely through Baltic Sea ice
Assessment criteria:Testi positiivseks sooritamiseks peavad olema vähemalt 75% vastustest õiged
Kontrollülesande positiivseks täitmiseks peab olema ülesanne simulaatoril sooritatud
Learning outcomes:Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Course language:in Estonian, in English
Volume:lectures: 30 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Vanemlektor Toomas Tammeorg, lektor Olev Tõnismaa
Contact:Täiendusõpe, 6138888,
Price:890 EUR / participant
Registration start:23.04.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:02.06.2024
Place:Eesti Mereakadeemia

It is not possible to register for the course because there are no available spots.