Pleasure Craft Operator


Date:01.01. - 31.12.2024
Aim of the course:Providing theoretical and practical knowledge for pleasure craft skippers.
Target group:Everyone interested in maritime, boating and yachting
Prerequisites:A B-category driver's medical certificate is a prerequisite for the certification. Certificate will be necessary in Road Administration.
Topics:The preparation of pleasure craft skippers is carried out in accordance with the Republic Government's regulation no. 39 from June 22, 2021.
According to the regulation, there is only one certificate, which includes boating and yachting.

The course participant receives knowledge of:
• navigation and pilotage;
• Practical management of the pleasure craft;
• Maritime safety;
• Shipbuilding theory;
• Colreg (International Code for Collision Avoidance);
• Legislation;
• First aid at sea;
• Meteorology;
• Radio communication;
• The theory of motor boats;
• The basics of sailing theory.

The course ends with an exam:
Navigational practice on paper map and theory exam (30 questions)
On the basis of the positive results of the examination, the Road Administration issues a driving license.
The study process consists of the theory of lectures, the solving of practical tasks and the practical management of a boat in the simulator.
Practical training shall be carried out in accordance with § 10 of the Republic Government's Regulation No. 39 "Requirements for the Knowledge, Skills and Training of Small Craft Operator and Forms of Certificates".
Study results:Is familiar with navigation, marine safety theory.
Is able to drive a plaesure craft in different conditions.
Assessment criteria:Väikelaevajuhi teooriaeksam loetakse sooritatuks, kui kaarditöö on arvestatud ja küsimustest vähemalt 85% on vastatud õigesti (majandus- ja taristuministri määrus 39 22.06.2021, § 11 (3)).
Väikelaevajuhi teooriaeksam koosneb vähemalt 30 küsimusest ning kaarditööst.
Comments:Koolituse loengud toimuvad kohapeal ja lisaks saavad õppurid ligipääsu iseseisvat õppimist toetavasse Moodle e-õppekeskkonda.
Õppeõigus kehtib 365 päeva alates hetkest, mil õppur on saatnud koolituse tasumist tõendava panga väljavõtte e-posti aadressile
Learning outcomes:Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Course language:in Estonian
Volume:lectures: 70 academic hours
independent studies: 10 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Ringo Liepkalns
Marge Rennig
Andrei Pridannikov
Contact:Täiendusõpe, +372 613 5588,
Price:325 EUR + VAT / participant
Registration start:20.02.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:30.11.2024
Place:TalTech Eesti Mereakadeemia, Kopli 101, Tallinn (look up location on map)
