GMDSS General Operator's Certificate (GOC)

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Date:04. - 15.03.2024
Aim of the course:The GMDSS General Operators Certificate (GOC) is the highest level GMDSS radio operator qualification and is suitable for professional mariners including Merchant Navy deck officers, offshore radio operators serving on mobile platforms, and commercial yachtmasters.
Holders of the GMDSS GOC are certified to operate all licensed marine radio equipment, including radiotelephony, digital selective calling, radio telex, and satellite mobile earth stations. The certificate can be STCW endorsed and permits the holder to operate the radio installation on GMDSS compliant/compulsorily equipped vessels operating in any of the GMDSS sea areas (A1-A4).
Target group:Nav. Officers
Prerequisites:This course requires a basic knowledge of radio communication practice and a working knowledge of written and spoken English. Candidates are assumed to have basic computer skills in order to participate in the course.
Topics:1. General principles and characteristics of maritime mobile service communications and maritime mobile satellite communications (8,0 hours):
1.1 General principles and characteristics of maritime mobile service communications (4,0 hours),
1.2 General principles and general characteristics of maritime mobile service satellite links (4,0 hours).

2. Detailed practical knowledge and practical use of the main equipment of the ship's stations (62,0 hours):
2.1 Knowledge and practical skills for using the ship's stations (13,0 hours),
2.2 Digital Selective Call (DSC) (13,0 hours),
2.3 Knowledge of general principles of narrow band letter printing (NBDP) and radio telex system. Use of NBDP and TOR system equipment (14,0 hours),
2.4 Knowledge for using the Inmarsat etc system. Practical use of Inmarsat etc equipment and training (20,0 hours),
2.5 Fault Detection (2,0 hours).

3. Work procedures and practical management of GMDSS systems and subsystems (47,0 hours):
3.1 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) (3,0 hours),
3.2 Use of Inmarsat in the GMDSS system (15,0 hours),
3.3 NAVTEX system (7,0 hours),
3.4 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) (4,0 hours),
3.5 Search and Rescue Radar Transponder (SART) (2,0 hours),
3.6 GMDSS Emergency and Safety Communication Procedures (8,0 hours),
3.7 Search and rescue operations (8,0 hours).

4. Different methods and procedures of conventional communication (28,0 hours):
4.1 Satisfactory use of the English language, both written and spoken, in communications relating to safety at sea (5,0 hours),
4.2 Mandatory Procedures and Practice (3,0 hours),
4.3 Practical and theoretical knowledge of general communication procedures (20,0 hours).

Study results:Knows and can use the general principles of construction and their operation of all GMDSS subsystems.
Knows the basis and requirements of the SOLAS convention for marine radios (Chapter IV).
Knows and applies IMO and ITU requirements for radio communication and safety assurance.
Uses GMDSS equipment according to the situation and need, also in extreme conditions.
Able to communicate in English in radiotelephone and letter typing (NBDP) mode.
Can use international reference books.
Assessment criteria:Teooriatest koosneb 30 valikvastustega küsimusest.
Testi positiivseks sooritamiseks peab olema vähemalt 24 õiget vastust (24 punkti).
Kõik praktilised testid GMDSS simulaatoril peavad olema edukalt sooritatud ("success").
Comments:Koolitus viiakse läbi GMDSS mereside simulaatoril TGS5000

Antud simulaator on mõeldud merenduses kasutusel olevate raadioside operatsioonide

Õppeklass on tehtud nii, et õpilased saavad kas omavahel või instruktoriga harjutada
reaalset raadiosidet, vastavalt rahvusvahelistele seadustele on olemas kindlad normid ja
reeglid, kuidas raadioside peab toimuma. Raadioside väljendid on reglementeeritud nii
sildumisel, päästetööde läbiviimisel, hädaohu korral, evakueerimisel - kommunikatsioonil on väga tähtis osa meremehe töös!

Mereside simulaatoriklassi on paigaldatud ka reaalne mereside raadiojaam "Sailor-2000 compact GMDSS station“ sidepidamise loaga kõikidel maailma pääste- ja otsingu rajoonidel.
Learning outcomes:Engineering, manufacturing and construction
Course language:in Estonian, in English
Volume:lectures: 132 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:GMDSS õpetaja-instruktor Dmitri Murga - link CV'le
Contact:Täiendusõpe, +372 613 5588,
Price:700 EUR + VAT / participant
Registration start:30.01.2024 00:00
Registration deadline:03.03.2024
Place:TalTech Eesti Mereakadeemia, Kopli 107, Tallinn (look up location on map)

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