Private and venture capital

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Date:07.02. - 05.04.2024
Aim of the course:The aim of the course is to introduce master students to the important role that private and venture capital play in capital markets as:
- a source of financing for companies;
- an alternative investment opportunity and asset class;
- a tool for economic growth and development.

During the course, students will learn about private and venture capital strategies, private and venture capital fund structures, legal framework and operating principles. The knowledge acquired during the course is consolidated through various practical cases. The course is taught in cooperation with the Estonian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EstVCA)
Target group:The course is intended for those who wish to obtain in-depth but practical knowledge of the possibilities of private and venture capital as a source of financing for companies, as an alternative investment opportunity and asset class, as well as a tool for economic growth and development
Topics:Introduction, nature and importance of private and venture capital. Difference between private and venture capital from other asset classes / sources of capital, market participants, volume and structure. Relationships between private and venture capital financing and the life cycle of companies. Venture capital and private equity strategies. Involvement of risk capital financing in different development phases. Private equity strategies: acquisitions and asset-based strategies, private equity financing, leverage and ESG. Private equity and venture capital fund structure, legal framework and operating principles. Valuation valuation methodologies by different private and venture capital investment strategies and sub-strategies. Private equitycase study ("buy and build strategy"). Venture capital case study ("raising capital in the seed phase")
Study results:After completing this course the student:
- understands the nature and importance of private and venture capital and is familiar with it's structure, strategies and valuation models;
- quantitatively and qualitatively evaluates deal-specific information and demonstrates an understanding of material through solutions to the cases
Assessment criteria:Eristav hindamine. Lõpphinne kujuneb kaasuse lahenduse ja ettekandmise ning kirjaliku eksami tulemuse punktide summeerimisel.
Comments:- Kursuse peamine keel on eesti keel, osaliselt inglise keeles.
- Tegemist on magistriõppeaine MEF5120 alusel toimuva täiendusõppe teenuse pakkumisega.
Learning outcomes:Business, administration and law
Course language:in Estonian
Volume:lectures: 32 academic hours
independent studies: 124 academic hours
Graduation document:TalTech certificate
Lecturer:Kalle Ahi (TalTech), Kristjan Kalda (BaltCap), Heidi Kakko (UniTartu Ventures), Martin Kõdar (BaltCap), Hendrik Reimand (2C Ventures), Mihkel Kolk (Deca Legal), Kristjan Laanemaa (Karma Ventures), Allar Karu (PwC Advisory), Maarja Pärs (Livonia Partners), Linda Võeras (Karma Ventures), Lauri Isotamm (Siena Secondary Fund)
Contact:Kristiina Pullerits, 6204057,
Price:270 EUR / participant
Registration deadline:15.02.2024
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
17:45 - 21:00Sissejuhatus, era- ja riski-kapitali olemus ja olulisus
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Kalle Ahi, TalTech ja Kristjan Kalda, BaltCap
17:45 - 21:00Era- ja riskikapitali rahastuse seosed firmade elutsükliga. Era- ja riskikapitali strateegiad: riskikapital.
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Heidi Kakko, UniTartu Ventures
17:45 - 21:00Era- ja riskikapitali strateegiad: erakapital
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Martin Kõdar, BaltCap ja Hendrik Reimand, 2C Ventures
17:45 - 21:00Era- ja riskikapitalifondi struktuur, õiguslik raamistik ja tööpõhimõtted
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Kristjan Laanemaa, Karma Ventures ja Mihkel Kolk, Deca Legal
17:45 - 21:00Era- ja riskikapitali-investeeringute väärtuse hindamise metoodika ja tehnikad
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Allar Karu, PwC Advisory
17:45 - 21:00PE tehingu case-study („osta ja ehita“ strateegia)
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Maarja Pärs, Livonia Partners
17:45 - 21:00VC tehingu case-study (seemnefaas)
Room: SOC-312
Lecturer: Linda Võeras, Karma Ventures ja Lauri Isotamm, Siena Secondary Fund
17:45 - 21:00Lõpuseminar
Room: SOC-308
Lecturer: Kalle Ahi, TalTech

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